Location: Tokyo, Japan – Genre: Heavy Industrial, Electro
Nothing compares to Despair live – check my first reaction to Despair at one Tokyo Dark Castle in 2005. All traditional instruments have been thrown on the junk pile with heavy industrial noise tracks and a digital ax-style keyboard being the only thing between you and the stage screamers. Despair has one of the most intense industrial sound in Japan and they ignite the crowd every time with a napalm bomb of noise. Rieu and Ana ride the industrial monster noise and Jude’s keytar in a scream fest that can only be considered industrial opera. Anyone who has seen the band perform live knows what I’m talking about – raw industrial power amped up to the max. Just how the hell they managed to get this experience onto a silver platter is beyond me, but somehow Deserted Technology Riot (DTR) has managed to capture the soul of Despair’s live performance. How the hell they did it, I don’t know – but it has been surgically attached and DTR delivers the full Despair experience to you!
The new CD is a quantum leap ahead of the 2004 CD, Beautiful Japanese Sight. Don’t get me wrong – Beautiful Japanese Sight is a fine example hard-industrial, and I thoroughly recommend getting your hands on a copy – but I found it lacking the violent wall of mashed-up noise that would hit you at a live event. In a way, Beautiful Japanese Sight was too precise and clinical when compared to the madness of the live versions of the songs.
This is where DTR takes Despair to a new level with a sound that grabs your attention like an oncoming tidal wave of noise. The tracks are pure Despair with broken up, smashed industrial, aggressive soundscapes of destruction. DTR takes you screaming down the highway to hell.
The CD starts with Jarring God, an extremely hard, fast-paced track that is just as good as seeing the band live. MPD Conflict plays hard, but a little slower and is one of the few Despair tracks where the vocals overpower the machine noise to stand out clearly. Filth Pig is a ballad by Despair standards but still wrought with post-apocalyptic overtones as the whispered lyrics play sadly over the quieter parts of the song. Junk War starts like a techno track, but steps into extreme rock-industrial with guitar-work giving the track an extra boost of aggressive energy that gives the band an extra dimension beyond the mashed-up, distorted sampled sounds of other tracks. Mechanical Rabies is a brutal final track where the mechanical sounds are once more in a face-off with Ana & Rieu. This thumping track finishes quickly after two minutes – intense, but too short.
Igor’s final call on DTR is that this is a must-buy album for serious industrial-music lovers. It marks the evolution of Despair from a largely live band (they always drive the crowd nuts!), to a band that can produce high-quality recordings that excite CD listeners in the same way!
The samples below and many more can be found on Despair’s Web site.
Deserted Technology Riot :: Track List
1. Jarring God (3:45) Sample
2. MPD Conflict (4:08) Sample
3. Filth Pig (5:19) Sample
4. Junk War (4:48) Sample
5. Mechanical Rabies (2:13) Sample
Total time (20:13)
Released: December 2006
Are you excited yet? Good, because the band has a number of distribution arrangements with a number of music stores in Japan, the U.K., France and Australia. Just check out the bottom of Destore on their site.
I cannot wait to write about the remixed version, Rewired Deserted Technology!
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