Category: Video Content

Ho boy, have these guys gone far. From fighting in the clubs in Tokyo’s scene to Europe, Australia, and now the U.S…. and now with a record deal with Metropolis – awesome. Now you can experience one of Japan’s hottest industrial rock outfits at your computer!

An hour of glorious Japanese underground music recorded in high-quality video. Watch and SCREAM boys and girls!

All righty folks. Igor’s gonna be dressed in a suit and all, especially for Friday night’s Psydoll gig. Well, I have to wear a suit on Friday so I don’t have any choice in the matter, but still… Psydoll, The Royal Dead and Psychodream – Awesome.

If any of you folks out there are rocking up to the night feel free to hassle out the suit. Or better yet, let the bands know that Igor @ sent you!

So just to whet your appetite, here are a few movies of the bands…




The Royal Dead



Must find video…

Fancy a bit of dark indie J-rock? Then this night should have you gamboling in the dance pit. The Lechery from Mara is a frenetic punk rock act with Gothic undertones and have played a number of evil events in Tokyo. 13th Moon is a darker shade of hard Gothic rock with an infectious beat. For those with a penchant for Clockwork Orange, the droogs from Hat Trickers’ style of punk should whet your appetite. Finally there is the sultry alternative rock from Royal Cabaret. There are also other acts due to join in making for a pretty kewl event. There is a 1,000 yen premium for ticket sales at the door so pre-booking with one of the bands is recommended.

Event: November Noire
When: November 19, 2010
Open: 18:30 :: Start: 18:50
Live: The Lechery from Mars, 13th Moon, Hat Trickers, Royal Cabaret and more.
Tickets: 2000 adv. :: 3000 @ door
Club Chop: 東京都豊島区池袋2-46-3 シーマ100-B1 :: 2-46-3 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo :: 03-5951-1127 :: Map


Another sleepless night in Tokyo. I am not sure what to do so will write a little entry here.

Currently I am just getting back into the scene again and really looking forward to seeing some of the bands I used to follow before I got sick back in 2007. Bands like Baal, Destruct System, Psydoll and many others. Mmmm. Nice. Hopefully I will even get out to a few overnight events as well. I really miss the heavier nights at Tokyo Dark Castle. Incidentally the Halloween edition of TDC will be tomorrow.

So here I sit, brain slightly fried from the day’s frustrations. Trying to think what to do… what to do.

Hey what’s that? It’s like… It’s like… Sawdust in Me, but only with more angst. Youtube is playing some kind of crazy hard electro with femme screamo overlay… and I think I like it! It’s Toxic Strawberry “Doubt Her Suffering!!!” Goodnight all.


After an informative night on what my job prospects may or may not be, I was sitting down at my computer and suddenly received a Facebook friend request from Chihiro of Vanished Empire – how cool is that. Chihiro is one of the veteren DJs of the Goth and underground scenes in Tokyo and is always spinning at Tokyo Dark Castle events. The last couple of years he has also been vocals for Vanished Empire, a heavy electro unit with 2 Bullet’s DeeLee on keyboards and programming. Well worth listening to, here is a track from a year or so ago – Ghost.


Calmando Qual are back in the local live scene with a two-man event at Club Chop! CQ (a.k.a. Twisted Clock) are a hard rocking Tokyo band who have done numerous tours in Europe and definitely worth catching for their powerful live shows. They are sporting new hellatious costumes to go with the mini album released earlier this year. They will be teaming up with Piano Zombie for the night.

Event: ピアノゾンビ vs Calmando Qual
Live: Piano Zombie and Calmando Qual
Open: 18:30 :: Start: 19:00
Tickets: 2500 adv. :: 3000 @ door
Club Chop: 東京都豊島区池袋2-46-3 シーマ100-B1 :: 2-46-3 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo :: 03-5951-1127 :: Map


“to the people of HATE who swallowed the…destruct system”


Yes kids, another Halloween gig with one of my favorite hard industrial bands, Destruct System. DS have been around for a long time and have been one of the main fixtures at many Tokyo Dark Castle events over the past couple of years and are definitely a band worth catching.

They will be appearing with Erdbeeren, Sole Prove, The Glams, CBS and Cronth-D @ Head Power Shinjuku on October 29. I only know a little bit about the other bands, but my guess is the sound-scape is a mix of heavy rock and J-rock – could be quite an interesting night.

Event: Deity Deride Vol. 5
Live: Destruct System, Erdbeeren, Sole Prove, The Glam, C.B.S. Cronth-D
Open: 18:00 :: Start: 18:30
Tickets: 1800 yen adv. :: 2300 yen @ door
Head Power: 東京都新宿区大久保2-5-19 :: 2-5-19 Okubo, Shinjuku Tokyo :: 03-6380-3769 :: Map


Hard-hitting industrial cyber rockers BAAL were on fire at the Bayside+Genocide 2010 event on October 10. They were joined by over 20 high quality bands from indy scenes across Tokyo. BAAL have been around for a number of years and have several international tours to Europe and Australia under their belt. The band is working on a new CD, which should deliver another dose of powerful music to its fans. Once again, excuse the film and audio quality – that’s just my little camera melting under the aural onslaught. Great band.


Classic dark Gothic rockers Stabat Mater were playing at Bayside+Genocide 2010 and Igor managed to grab a quick video of them. Stabat Mater are a new name to Igor, but according to their bio, they have been playing around since 2007. Hopefully they will playing at a few more gigs in the months to come. Anyway, here’s the video – excuse the poor quality of the recording as Igor only has a little old camera.


For those looking out for Bayside Genocide on 10/10 here is a Baal video recorded earlier this year to hold you over to the event!

Woe is me. Need to update the codes here so things will pop out. Just click the link above to see the viddy on YouTube. Cheers!