Archive for July, 2004

A while ago, I looked at a couple of issues regarding sex and procreation in Japan. Birth rates are at an all-time low and 1/3 of 20-somethings had not had sex in over a year. On the surface it looks innocent enough. Of course, there is the slight issue of my pension, which would be adversely affected by the shinking number of working-age people. Ho-hum.

However, now I discover another phenomenon – the sexless couple. Not just occasional, sporadic sex, but no sex. None. Nada. Not so much as a brass razoo. Yes, they are married, but go for years without sex. Do they have a problem with this? Apparently not, as they have good relationships, just without sex…

Whoa. Hold on, I can appreciate that for some people to choose this lifestyle, but for enough to generate articles and books just seems to be a little weird.

What are they doing instead? Working (too?) hard and having a good time around town, and wasting time with their hobbies. Okay, the question must be asked is sex not fun? Especially in marriage. Am I not permitted to have and to hold? Or am I being weird about this?

Should I not write a proposal to HBO for a Tokyo version of <> Sex and the City[/i]? Perhaps it could be called DeSexed the City…..

Anyway, here is an article from Mainichi’s Wai Wai

Punk legends, The Damned will be scoping Osaka and Tokers on the 7th and 8th of August in this year’s Summersonic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know they’re from the ’70s, but you can’t go past an op to see Ol’ Drac, Mr. David Vanian, and the Tutu-touting, happy-talking Captain Sensible blasting another round of New Rose for the punters. Reckon I could go another snark of Monty’s brain.

Life has a tendency to give you a kancho (index fingers prodding you between the cheeks – see diagram) now and again. Igor has been pretty kancho’d out for a while and neglecting his online love, for silly little things like scraping enough cash to put the carcass of some farm animal on the table…

Well, I’m back ya filthy animals and will put a bit more time into keeping things interesting…. Okay, I need some positive re-enforcement, kind of like an attention-seeking ferret.