[Dark Cybernetic Rock] LAST MINUTE ADDITION! The title means something like “Using the neural dreams of corpses,” but all you really need to know is that all your cybernetic base belong to Psydoll! People from the UK should know Psydoll quite well after their tours in 2005 and a bit earlier this year – check their site (easy to find the email for booking). Joining Psydoll are γμκδ, Musu Bore (neo-romantic noise) and more. Xmas is over, time to get back to business!
神経夢想亡骸使ぁE- Using the neural dreams of corpses @ Urga, Shinjuku TOKYO
When: December 25, 2006
Open: 18:00 :: Start: 18:30
Price: 1,500 adv. :: 1,800 @ door
Live: Live: Psydoll (info), γμκδ, Musu Bore
Full details with links to maps, etc.
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