A last-minute announcement for Harshrealm’s next gig in the dying moments of July. I cannot comment on the other bands, but Harshrealm has a great gritty mode-esque sound. I know there’s at least one Fukuokan reading JGoth.com – I hope more will join soon!
Harshrealm @ Drum Logos FUKUOKA
When: Sunday, 30th July
Open: 17:30 :: Start: 18:00
Where: Drum Logos :: FUKUOKA :: Details
Price: 2,000 yen adv. :: 2,500 yen @ door
Live: Harshrealm (info), Momen, The Runkers, and Day of Salvation.
« Press Release: Anders Manga (U.S.A.) Finishes Third Album! Nebulae @ Omiya Hearts Saitama (near TOKYO) :: Mon. 31st July »